Billing and Contact
Believe me, we get it. Healthcare in our country is complicated and confusing, and the billing is doubly so. As physicians, we are primarily concerned about the care of our patients and the treatment of disease, but we also know that bewildering bills can be as irritating as any injury or illness! So, here’s a little info about how billing from an Emergency Department visit works.
When you see one of our providers in an Emergency Department (ED), whether a hospital-based or a free-standing ED, this visit will result in multiple billing statements, which are filed as claims with your insurance provider. Similar to insurance you may carry for your car or home, your insurance company will review the claim and determine how much of the bill they will cover, based your benefit plan. The portion that is not covered by your insurance provider will be sent on to you as a bill.
An ED visit will likely generate more than one billing statement. Healthcare is a team sport, and it takes many people, pieces, and parts to help our patients on their way to health! Our billing is handled by Brault, a billing company. You will receive a bill for the services rendered by our provider during your visit. This is distinct from the bill you will also likely receive from UCHealth, which covers other expenses. These include the facility fee, pharmacy, lab services, imaging services, and perhaps others. Depending on what was involved with your visit, you may also receive other bills from other physicians involved with your care, such as the radiologist who interpreted your imaging studies. In addition, though the services were all performed at the same visit, these different bills are likely to arrive in your mailbox at different times, as they are being sent from different billing companies.
Billing Contact
EMS Billing
Any questions you have regarding the billing statement from our group may be directed to our billing company, Brault, at 888-726-1582.
*Please note, if you received care prior to January 1, 2025 contact Omega Healthcare at 303-306-7783. If you received care on or after January 1, 2025 contact Brault.
UCHealth billing
Any questions you have regarding the UCHealth portion of your bill may be directed to the UCHealth billing department at 866-429-6045 or visit online Financial Services.